Fuerteventura housing prices and number of transactions

Fuerteventura housing prices and number of transactions

We analyze data on the situation of the real estate market in Fuerteventura, with data from sources such as Registradores, Fomento, ISTAC, Idealista and Destiny Home’s own data.

The information contained in the Fuerteventura Real Estate Report allows you to make the right decisions about the process of buying and selling real estate on the island. Transactions have changed their trend since the pandemic and current data allows us to identify opportunities in the Fuerteventura residential market.

Download the Fuerteventura Real Estate Market Report


Prices of residential properties for sale

First, we analyze the supply data, i.e., the prices that owners and real estate companies have established as the price for sale. These prices vary from the time they are first put on the market, usually downward, if the property does not receive offers from interested buyers.

For this reason, these prices are considered to be above the final sale price, which is the one recorded in the real estate deed of sale, as we will see below, with data from the Association of Registrars.

In any case, it is interesting information to study the variation in property prices.

In the case of the municipalities of Fuerteventura, the average price of homes advertised in Corralejo stands out, close to €3,000/m2.

On the other hand, the municipality with the lowest average price is Puerto del Rosario, with a price of 1,381 €/m2:prices-sale-strongventura-idealist

Supply-based housing prices (properties for sale). Source: Real estate portal Idealista

As for the variation in prices, with respect to the same period of the previous year, the highest increase occurred in the municipality of La Oliva, with 30.8%. The smallest evolution, but always in a positive direction, was also recorded in Puerto del Rosario, up 9.5%.

The detail of each municipality and its year-on-year evolution is available in the Fuerteventura Real Estate Market Report.

Real estate transactions in Fuerteventura

We analyze the volume of real estate transactions in Fuerteventura, with official data provided by Fomento.

Evolution of real estate transactions in Fuerteventura

With the data for the period 2019-2022, we can see that already in 2021, the volume of operations performed before the pandemic was recovered.

After the downturn in sales and purchases in 2020, the following years are showing a positive evolution in terms of transaction volume, as shown in this chart by quarters:

transacciones fuerteventura

Evolution of real estate transactions in Fuerteventura. Fomento Data

Volume of transactions by municipality of Fuerteventura

If we look at data on real estate transactions by municipalities of Fuerteventura, we see that La Oliva concentrates the largest number, with 2951 transactions, followed by La Antigua, with 2153:

Volume of transactions by municipality. Period 2019-2022. Fomento Data

Volume of home sales and purchases in Fuerteventura

The quarterly evolution of home sales and purchases marks a continued decline from the values of the first quarter of 2022. The municipality of La Oliva, with Corralejo at the head, lead the sales and purchases on the island:

fuerteventura transactions report 1t23

Housing transactions up to 1st quarter 2023

Average price of the properties sold in Las Palmas

The Association of Registrars shows annual and quarterly data on average prices of registered housing.

With the data closed for the first quarter of 2023, the average price of homes sold in the province of Las Palmas was 2,221 €/m2.

As for the number of home sales registered annually, this amounted to 14,529 homes in Las Palmas, out of a total of 29,468 homes sold in the Canary Islands in the period of one year.

If you need data on real estate transactions in Fuerteventura, you can consult our real estate consultants.

You can also ask for a
real estate valuation of your property in Fuerteventura
and get the
Fuerteventura Real Estate Market Report
which includes a sample of real estate transactions managed by Destiny Home Real Estate, with 424 sales and purchases analyzed in the municipalities of Fuerteventura.

Nationality of homebuyers in Spain

In Spain, home purchases by foreigners accounted for 14.52%, compared to 85.48% for domestic purchases, according to data from the Registrars, updated to the first quarter of 2023.

In the Canary Islands, the percentage of foreign investment rose to 28.30%, being lower in the case of Las Palmas, with 20.04%.

Appraised value of free housing in Las Palmas

The Canary Islands Institute of Statistics provides data on the value of homes in the province of Las Palmas, together with the evolution, by quarters, of the last few years.

The appraised value of the square meter of free housing in the first quarter of 2023 in the Canary Islands amounted to 1,670.3 euros; as for subsidized housing, the appraised value of the square meter was 1,098.2 euros.

A positive evolution of the value is observed since the first quarter of 2021:


Free housing. Appraised value of the square meter in Las Palmas. Source: ISTAC

Accommodations available in Fuerteventura

On an island where tourism is so important, it is important to take into account the data on available accommodations.

In the table of accommodations, by municipalities and annual periods, we see the estimated number of rooms, obtained from a survey of open establishments:

Places offered by Canary Islands lodging municipalities and periods.

Places offered by Canary Islands lodging municipalities and periods. Source: ISTAC

You can obtain all the data and graphs in this article, along with specific data on prices of homes sold in Fuerteventura, by municipality (own survey):

Download the Fuerteventura Real Estate Market Report

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