Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
Vacation rental Fuerteventura
Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
We tell you how the holiday rental in Fuerteventura is taxed: taxation by the IRPF and IGIC.
We explain how to calculate the profitability of traditional rentals so that you can compare it with the profitability of tourist rentals.
5 aspects to take into account to manage the vacation rental of an apartment at a distance in Fuerteventura that you can not overlook.
More flights to Fuerteventura, tourist office, events, festivals and accommodations.
Fuerteventura, the second largest island in the Canary Islands, has become a haven for digital nomads and professionals looking for an idyllic working environment.
If you want to know the profitability you will get with your holiday rental in Fuerteventura, do not miss what we tell you.
How to achieve the maximum profitability of the property, with the management of vacation rentals.
As the owner of a home in Fuerteventura, you are interested in knowing how the Housing Law affects you, in the event that you want to make it profitable by renting it.
Cycling, kitesurf, windsurf, wing foil, surf, SUP, yoga, pilates, gym,… sports during your stay in Fuerteventura