5 islands to invest in the Canary Islands with high profitability. Know the investment opportunities of each island to get your real estate operation right.
profitability housing Fuerteventura
5 islands to invest in the Canary Islands with high profitability. Know the investment opportunities of each island to get your real estate operation right.
Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
So you will have to update the rent of a lease in Fuerteventura after the entry into force of the 3% rent cap.
We explain how to calculate the profitability of traditional rentals so that you can compare it with the profitability of tourist rentals.
We analyze the most profitable areas to invest in real estate in Fuerteventura.
How to achieve the maximum profitability of the property, with the management of vacation rentals.
If you are the owner of a house, villa or apartment in Fuerteventura, you are interested in knowing what taxes are levied on the sale of a real estate property on the island.