We give you 5 tips to sell a holiday home in Fuerteventura achieving maximum profitability.
We give you 5 tips to sell a holiday home in Fuerteventura achieving maximum profitability.
Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
We tell you how the holiday rental in Fuerteventura is taxed: taxation by the IRPF and IGIC.
So you will have to update the rent of a lease in Fuerteventura after the entry into force of the 3% rent cap.
List of deductible expenses for renting a house in Fuerteventura, what expenses can you deduct to pay less?
Find out about the deductions available to taxpayers in the Canary Islands for the 2023 income tax year.
As the owner of a home in Fuerteventura, you are interested in knowing how the Housing Law affects you, in the event that you want to make it profitable by renting it.