Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
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Find out what expenses are deductible in your income tax return for a holiday rental in Fuerteventura.
We tell you how the holiday rental in Fuerteventura is taxed: taxation by the IRPF and IGIC.
The Villas de Tamaragua development is an outstanding option for those looking for a new home.
Cooperative housing represents an attractive and economical option in the new construction market.
The high demand for luxury villas in Fuerteventura has caused the designs to evolve in a striking way.
We explain the Exclusive Sales Order, as a legal framework to ensure that the operation is carried out with all the guarantees.
The steps to obtain the Golden Visa, as a means to obtain Spanish residency as a homeowner in Fuerteventura.
Who has to pay Inheritance and Gift Tax in Fuerteventura? How much is paid, when and where?